May 2019 Love Gift: "Debunking the Oral Torah"

May 2019 Love Gift: "Debunking the Oral Torah"

$57.95 USD

Passed down through generations of Pharisees, the Oral Torah pretended to be another layer of protection to keep the people from breaking any of the Torah laws. 

In Debunking the Oral Torah, Michael Rood brings you along with Paul and Barnabas as they struggle to strip away years of false teachings and layers of law the Almighty never intended to impose upon His people. 

In Debunking the Oral Torah, Michael Rood continues his journey through the book of Acts. Learn how the Pharisees, in their short-sighted thinking, ended up breaking the Law of Moses while trying to protect it their own way.

For your Love Gift donation of $50, Michael Rood will send you this Love Gift teaching on DVD or Blu-ray.