Raiders of the Lost Book & The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus
$45.95 USD $44.90 USD
Hebrew Roots Uncovered
DVD & Book combo of Hebrew teachings that reveal discoveries in the text of Matthew and uncover the hebraic roots of Western Christianity. Ancient Hebrew manuscripts of Matthew are now being brought to light.
Raiders of the Lost Book - Discoveries in the Ancient Hebrew Text of Matthew's Gospel - DVD
Join Biblical historian Michael Rood and his guest, eminent Hebrew scholar Nehemia Gordon, for this exciting multi-media presentation: Raiders of the Lost Book - Discoveries in the Ancient Hebrew Texts of the Gospel of Matthew.
10 Episode - 5 Hour - 2 DVD Video Series
The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus by Nehemia Gordon - Book
This book is the companion volume for the four-hour video teaching series: Raiders of the Lost Book – Discoveries in the Ancient Hebrew Texts of Matthew’s Gospel. This is the series that has begun to open the eyes of gentile Christian, and messianic Jewish believers as to what “The Gospel of the Kingdom” is really all about. This book unveils the REAL Messiah as he related to his own people and the religious system into which he was born. This book documents some of the most profound words of the Messiah, which were completely neutered in the Greek translations of Matthew’s Gospel.
Former Pharisee, Nehemia Gordon, a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and Semitic language expert, explores the ancient Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew from manuscripts long secreted away in the archives of Jewish scribes. Gordon's research reveals that the more "modern" Greek text of Matthew, from which the Western world's versions were translated, depicts "another Jesus" from the Yeshua portrayed in the ancient Hebrew version of Matthew. Gordon explains the life-and-death conflict Yeshua had with the Pharisees as they schemed to grab the reins of Judaism in the first century, and brings that conflict into a modern perspective for both Jew and Christian alike.
Paperback. 114 pages.