The Mystery of Iniquity and Pagan Christian Connection
$45.95 USD
The Mystery of Iniquity: The Legal Prerequisites to the Return of the Messiah
The Mystery of Iniquity exposes the key event that will begin the last seven-year countdown to Armageddon and the physical act that will reveal the Anti-Messiah and constitute the final Abomination of Desolation prophesied by both Daniel and Yahshua.
Includes the FREE DVD "Zechariah's Thermonuclear War"!
The Pagan-Christian Connection Exposed
The Pagan-Christian Connection Exposed is two books and two A Rood Awakening! episodes in one powerful package. "Sodom and Gomorrah Revisited" and "Truth Vs. Tradition: The Heavyweight Battle of the Ages." Book chapters include: Willful Ignorance, Learning to Tell Time Biblically, Coming Out of Babylon, Patronizing Pagan Parties, and Synchronizing Your Babylonian Timepieces.