The University of Life Seminary Bundle
$114.95 USD $194.80 USD
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You'll learn more TRUTH about the Bible in this 35-episode teaching series than you would in four years of Bible college or seminary!
This collection of DVDs contains the key to understanding scriptures: Context!
Through these in-depth studies, Michael Rood leads you on a chronological journey of discovery about some of the most well known, but misunderstood lessons in the Bible.
BETTER than most Bible seminary (i.e. cemetery) courses, you can now have the Bible College experience without ever leaving the comfort of your home! This bundle includes:
TORAH 101 - Creation vs Fake Science with Bruce Malone (4 DVDs)
TORAH 201 – Passover: The Path to Freedom (5 DVDs)
TORAH 301 – Lessons On The Way To Sinai (7 DVDs)
TORAH 401 – Judges: The King Is Coming (10 DVDs)