Anchored - Noah's Ark with Michael Rood and Jerry Bowen

Anchored - Noah's Ark with Michael Rood and Jerry Bowen

$34.95 $34.95


AS SEEN ON Shabbat Night Live

Wedged into a remote, Turkish hillside for millennia, an eternal tribute to the Almighty’s ultimate rescue mission sits in silent, breathtaking majesty. Mounting, modern evidence is now confirming what local legends have held since time immemorial — these are the petrified remains of Noah’s Ark.

Ark historian Jerry Bowen shares with Michael Rood the details of more than 30 visits he has paid to this hallowed site. Hear the amazing details of expeditions navigated by the Holy Spirit, and see for yourself the mystifying evidence, including a series of ancient, anchor stones strewn across an arid mountain range with no water in sight.

Through scientific analysis of site artifacts to sub-surface radar scans and computer-generated structural models, “Anchored” contains the most compelling evidence of Noah’s Ark the world has ever seen!


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