The REAL Mount Sinai
$17.95 USD
Dodging military gunships patrolling the Gulf of Aqaba, trespassing the Jordanian desert under the cover of darkness, smuggling ancient Israelite artifacts past Arabian border guards, enduring months of interrogation while awaiting trial for international espionage, shaking face down in the desert sand with the gun barrels of bedouin warriors pressed against their skulls - these are some of the trials endured by the handful of archeologists, scientists, and oil field engineers who labored for over a decade to get the definitive evidence of The REAL Mount Sinai out to the world.
Join Michael Rood on the shores of the Red Sea as he presents the physical evidence and recounts the adventures of those who successfully documented one of the most auspicious events in the history of the human race. The rocks are literally crying out in the last days that the Almighty will fulfill His promise to Israel.
"Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours" – Deut. 11:24
This is not our story, this is HIS story.
Approx. 25 minutes, 1 Disc