The Feasts for Christians
$40.95 USD
From a 1970s “Jesus freak”, to punk rock star, to Torah-observant church leader, Allan Aguirre has quite a story to tell — a story that inspires others to dig into their faith!
Allan is a congregation leader in Park City, Utah and the author of several books including The Feasts Unlocked: A Practical Understanding of God’s Holy Days, a practical approach to the apologetics, historicity and scriptural significance of Leviticus 23 for modern believers.
The Feasts for Christians is a refreshingly candid and easy-to-understand 4-episode interview series that answers common questions Christians ask about the Sabbath, the Feasts of the LORD, and the spiritual influence of music.
Allan’s explanations help inquisitive believers understand connections between ancient Israel, the Feasts of the LORD, and our Messiah — and how to apply the “house rules” of dwelling together in spirit with the Almighty in today’s society.
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