DVDs and Blu-Rays collections
DVDs and Blu-Rays
Passover 2020: The Red Sea Crossing
$1,727.00 TWD
A Brief History of Eternity
from $963.00 TWD
The Red Sea Miracle - PART 1
$763.00 TWD
The Doctrine of Baptisms with Michael Rood
from $1,162.00 TWD
The Story Behind "The Red Sea Miracle"
from $597.00 TWD
Mystery of Iniquity with Michael Rood
from $1,927.00 TWD
What's Your Motivation? with Josh Tolley
from $398.00 TWD
Survival of The Hebrew Gospels with Miles Jones
from $963.00 TWD
Musicianary with Allan Aguirre
from $963.00 TWD
From This Day Forward with David Robinson
from $1,162.00 TWD
Operation Innocence with David Lopez
from $963.00 TWD
John 6:4 - Does It Belong In The Bible?
from $963.00 TWD
Straw Man - with Nehemia Gordon
from $398.00 TWD
Rapture Resurrected
from $1,162.00 TWD
Where Are We In The Book of The Revelation
from $1,528.00 TWD
Passover 2019: The Waters of Salvation (7 discs)
$2,126.00 TWD
The Moses Controversy Bundle
$2,891.00 TWD
Jumping Through Flaming Hoops
from $1,162.00 TWD
Saudi Sinai with Ryan Mauro
from $1,162.00 TWD
The Feasts for Christians
from $963.00 TWD
Mount Sinai In Arabia - Joel Richardson
$1,362.00 TWD
Mirage In Midian with Michael Rood and Joel Richardson
from $1,162.00 TWD
CONDEMNATION: The Jeremiah Verdict
from $1,727.00 TWD
Ground Zero: Jerusalem with Carl Gallups
from $1,162.00 TWD
Beyond Mt. Sinai with Michael Rood and Miles Jones
from $1,162.00 TWD
Shavuot: The Feast of Weeks - SPECIAL TEACHING
from $398.00 TWD
A Little Child Shall Lead Them - with Special Guest "Gigi"
from $398.00 TWD
Passover 2018: Priests and Kings (multi-disc set)
$2,292.00 TWD
The Wheat and The Tares with Bill Cloud
from $597.00 TWD
How To Talk To Atheists - with Brad Scott
from $398.00 TWD
Faith and Finances - with Josh Tolley
from $597.00 TWD
Banned 2: Breakthrough In Asia - with Michael Rood and Paul Hsieh
from $763.00 TWD
The University of Life Seminary Bundle
$3,821.00 TWD $6,476.00 TWD
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - with Dr. Chuck Thurston
from $763.00 TWD
Creation vs Fake Science with Michael Rood and Bruce Malone
from $963.00 TWD
The Gentiles Shall Know My Name with Michael Rood and Nehemia Gordon
from $1,162.00 TWD
What In The World Is Happening with Michael Rood and Joel Richardson
from $963.00 TWD
Banned with Michael Rood and Paul Hsieh
from $597.00 TWD
A.D. - Archaeology Discovered
$1,362.00 TWD
Anchored - Noah's Ark with Michael Rood and Jerry Bowen
$1,162.00 TWD
Passover: The Road to Redemption (9-disc set)
$2,292.00 TWD
Torah Wars: Return of the Gentiles
$1,528.00 TWD
The Mountain of God - Secrets of The Real Mt. Sinai
$1,362.00 TWD
10 Jubilees To The End Time Messianic Age
$1,927.00 TWD
The Real Michael Rood
$597.00 TWD
Yom Teruah 2016 – The Day of YeHoVaH
$1,927.00 TWD