Shavuot Garden Flag (single)

Shavuot Garden Flag (single)

$769.00 TWD

Shavuot is the celebration of the Torah and Spirit as one — and now you can share the good news in front of your home!

This custom-designed, standard-size, weather-resistant garden flag declares "Happy Shavuot" with a flame that commemorates both the Torah being shouted down by the Almighty at Mt. Sinai and the Spirit rushing down in the book of Acts. (FLAG POLE NOT INCLUDED)

  • 100% polyester weather-resistant fabric
  • Double-sided image, designed to slip onto a garden flag pole 
  • A Rood Awakening! International logo at the bottom
  • Rod pocket measures 2" in width.
  • Size: 18" x 12-1/2".