Passover 2021: Let My People Go
$2,251.00 TWD
We’re commemorating the moment prophesied when Moses went toe-to-toe with the Pharaoh of the Exodus — and fulfilled for all eternity when Yeshua confronted the adversary and declared “let my people go!”
Learn how to make a full Passover meal, hear the truth of King Tut’s connection to the Exodus, get a sneak peek at a new Exodus documentary and Michael Rood’s new television series, plus experience Michael Rood’s best re-telling of the Passover story, and more!
This 9-disc set includes:
- Passover Recipes and Meal Prep with Scott Laird and Chef Rich Hall
- Shabbat Night Live: Passover Edition featuring Passover Guest Speakers
- What It Means To Be Grafted In (2 Parts) with Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson
- Battle For The Firstborn with author Mary Nell Wyatt-Lee
- Freedom From Slavery with Nehemia Gordon and Pamela & Quentin Burt
- Beyond The Red Sea Miracle with filmmaker Tim Mahoney
- The Chronological Gospels: Season 3 Exclusive Preview featuring Michael Rood
- The Best of the Best Passover Seder featuring Michael Rood