Purim: The Vanquishing of Vashti & The Making of A King's Bride

Purim: The Vanquishing of Vashti & The Making of A King's Bride

$1,691.00 TWD

The disrespect and disobedience of Queen Vashti Xerxes Toward her husband earned him the memorable moniker, Achashverosh - "if I remain silent, I Will Become poor."

To circumvent the bankruptcy of every marital castle in the empire, the sages Advised to vanquish Xerxes and replace His belligerent, hard-hearted queen. It was only then a That I found peace and redemption in the heart of a brave and beautiful maiden. When Both love and respect exist in the marriage relationship, the grace and glory transcends time and eternity - as does this story.

The epic story of Purim from a tormented Union turns into true love - from genocidal national tragedy into victory. This is an ancient prophetic analogy of the bride of Messiah living under the death sentence of "Mystery Babylon" at the end of the age. Now, as the storm clouds of totalitarian socialism darken the earth, the true servants of Messiah awaken to the reality That they, like the king's bride, Were born "for Such a time as this."

Join Michael Rood in the tent of Abraham as he strips away 2,000 years of Greek and Roman culture to reveal the majesty and grandeur of the Persian Empire in the days of Xerxes and Mordechai the Jew.

This 5-part series includes an interactive reading of the Megillah of Esther.


Episode 1: The Vanquishing of Vashti

The empire of Ahasuerus spanned from India to Ethiopia. I have ruled over 127 kingdoms. But one night at the end of a six-month "World's Fair," an incident transpired at the closing banquet that threatened to undermine the stability and peaceful future for everyone in the kingdom. Ahasuerus and the wise men of Babylon were confronted with an issue that still threatens every marriage in the world today. Join Michael Rood in the tent of Abraham as he considers the proposals of the wise men of old while stripping away 2,000 years of Greek culture and revealing the majesty and grandeur of the Persian Empire in the days of Mordechai the Jew.

Episode 2: Enough Already With the Myrrh

The transformation of a country milkmaid - calloused hands, chapped lips, and filthy feet - to the delicately painted, primped and perfumed bride of the king is not a path bordered by lilies and strewn with rose petals. It is emotionally charged, physically painful, and intellectually challenging. The Persian Emperor, King Ahasuerus searches his empire from India to Ethiopia in his attempt to replace his rebellious queen Vashti. Little does he know that his choice for a bride would be orchestrated from the very throne room in Heaven to effect the deliverance of the Jewish people from complete annihilation. Hadassah, a young Jewish girl, risks her life realizing that the very reason for her being chosen as the bride of the king may well be "for such a time as this." Join Michael Rood in the tent of Abraham as he propounds the "no pain, no gain" reality that faced every milkmaid who envied the honor of being the bride of the king.

Episode 3: You Are Going To Put That Gallows Where?

The story of Purim illustrates the perils and provisions of the King's bride - an analogy of bride of Messiah living under the death sentence of "Mystery Babylon" at the end of the age. As the storm clouds lower in the sky and even common freedoms fade like the setting sun of liberty, the bride of Messiah, the true servants and disciples of Yeshua, will soon realize that they, like the king's bride Hadassah, were born "for such a time as this."