How To Talk To Atheists - with Brad Scott

How To Talk To Atheists - with Brad Scott

$584.00 TWD


There is a new religion sweeping the world, threatening to drag down millions of souls with it. But it’s not the religion you think. In fact, it’s no religion… at all.

How does a believer attempt to bring the truth to an atheist — someone who holds NOTHING sacred?

“The great commission of Matthew 28 is NOT to win souls for Jesus. The great commission is to ‘go ye therefore and teach all nations whatsoever I have commanded you.’ So, because we don’t go out and teach people what’s right and wrong, good and bad, real and not real, they’re ignorant of it.”
- Brad Scott

In a special teaching as seen on Shabbat Night Live, Brad Scott reveals the secrets of bringing the truth from an atheist perspective in How To Talk To Atheists.

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