Living the Truth Volume 3
$597.00 TWD
The 3rd volume in the Hebrew Roots DVD video teaching series from Israel. You will only be given as much truth as you will obey – you can learn forever, but never find the truth… A Rood Awakening! Volume 3; Episodes 5 & 6 – DVD Includes: "The Hem of His Garment" and "Let No Pagan Judge You" Episode 5: The Hem of His Garment The prophet Malachi wrote, "The Sun of Righteousness will arise with healing in his wings." The Sun of Righteousness was understood by the Jewish sages to refer to the Messiah, who would have the power to heal all who touched the tzitzit (fringes) on his garment.
Join Michael at the "city gates" to relive the miraculous healing of a woman of undaunted faith. Episode 6: Let No Pagan Judge You Rav Shaul (the Apostle Paul) warned the Believers in the pagan capital of Colossi to be wary of heathen traditions that would "spoil" the followers of Messiah. Despite his warning, the modern "Christian" church has turned a deaf ear to the Creator's instructions and has adopted the form, philosophy and traditions of Babylonian sun god worship. Two Episode - 1 Hour - DVD Video Series