Revelation: The Fifth Gospel

Revelation: The Fifth Gospel

$833.00 TWD

Adapted from The Chronological Gospels video series - Season 2

Yochanan, the apostle John, spent his last days on the Island of Patmos. It was here that Yeshua came to him with one last mission, one last message to deliver — a message to His servants to prepare them for the earth-shaking events that would usher in the end time Messianic age. But how and when does it all come together?

In Revelation: The Fifth Gospel, adapted from The Chronological Gospels video series - Season 2, Michael Rood explains how to solve the greatest prophetic riddle of all time, step-by-step, in exact chronological order.

This is the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah, the hidden secrets of things that must come to pass in the last days before paradise is finally restored and our Master returns.