Yom Teruah 2021: The Temple, The Trumpet, and The End Time Tribulation

Yom Teruah 2021: The Temple, The Trumpet, and The End Time Tribulation

$2,298.00 TWD

Yom Teruah 2021 “sounds the alarm” to prepare for the end times and Yeshua’s return! 

Yom Teruah is a rehearsal of the moment that “the temple, the trumpet, and the end time tribulation” collide — the moment of which no man knows the day or the hour! 

It’s a call to worship and spiritual warfare as we remember the Torah that was shouted down on Mount Sinai and look forward to the Living Torah who will come down in a cloud! 

This 9-disc set includes:

  • Shabbat Night Live: Yom Teruah Edition featuring Guest Speakers
  • The Future of the Middle East with Joel Richardson
  • The Summoning with Pastor Carl Gallups
  • The Trumpet with Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson
  • Orphans and Widows with Keith Johnson and Yehuda and Hadass Glick
  • Temples Unearthed with Nehemia Gordon and Frankie Snyder
  • Panel Discussion with Nehemia Gordon, Keith Johnson, Tedd Clayton and Scott Laird
  • The Best of Michael Rood: Yom Teruah featuring Michael Rood
  • BONUS: Pandemic Paradox with Dr. Vladamir Zelenko